Route | Green route of Montemagno Monferrato

Address 14030 Montemagno Monferrato AT, Italia

From piazza San Martino to the church of St. Mary of the Quarry (300 meters) and the church and Tower of St. Victor, 1,200 meters; travel time about 20 minutes.

The starting point is the beautiful piazza San Martino, dominated by the parish church of Saints Martin and Stephen, embellished by the imposing Baroque staircase.

Route: via Apostolo, staircase to via Conte Calvi, via Cava. Beneath the descent is the small church of S. Maria della Cava (inside frescoes from the late 15th century).

Continue for about 600 meters on via della Pace: past the cemetery, the recently restored Romanesque Tower of St. Victor appears, set on a hillock from which there is a striking panoramic view of the entire Low Monferrato.

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